Our Mission

Our Mission -- It's Simple, Really
This site will provide practical, real-world advice on how to draft the request you really want to distribute. Despite the formal processes and endless forms and arcane consultant gobbledygook, the prevailing mindset you can adopt to win is Ockham’s Razor: the simplest and most direct approach is probably the best. The common-sense principles of parsimony, economy, and succinctness will win the day.

No consultant worth his or her salt will hand you an RFP template. A true partner creates one based on exploring the needs of the company and the stakeholders involved. You don’t need Shipley or a business economics theorist. You need people who have actually responded to thousands of these things: technical writers, journalists, data analysts -- research-driven individuals who will perform interviews, gather data, vet facts, and make impartial vendor selections based on the merit and, so often ignored, the quantifiable evidence submitted with the bid. Most of all, you need your internal team. You need to know what your company truly requires before asking someone else to provide it. A serious consultant will facilitate and foster those imperative team discussions.

So let’s begin the redevelopment of your business.
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